We are carrying out geo-scientific research projects on drivers, mechanisms and quantitative rates of denudational earth surface processes, soil erosion, source-to-sink fluxes and correlations, sedimentary budgets and landscape development in various morphoclimatic environments and in both undisturbed and anthropogenically modified landscapes. Our field study areas and surveys include our permanently instrumented observation and monitoring field test sites located close to our offices in Norway (Trondheim/Selbu – Sandviksgjerde) and Spain (Alicante/Calpe – Bel Air), and our current field-based research projects on land-to-ocean solute and sedimentary fluxes in western and central Norway, eastern Spain and eastern Iceland (Location map of our offices and field sites). We are specialized in the conception and development of advanced field measurement approaches, geomorphologic process monitoring techniques/methods and field instrumentations. Our basic and applied research activities aim at advancing our scientific knowledge on denudational earth surface processes, soil erosion and landscape development under ongoing or accelerated climate change and increasing anthropogenic impacts and pressures, and at providing key information to scientists, policy makers and the public for reliable geo-hazard risk estimations, efficient environmental protection and improved sustainable treatments. Accordingly, our scientific work is of highest societal relevance. All our research-projects are integrated in international and interdisciplinary scientific networks, programs and collaborations. Outcomes of our research are disseminated through scientific publishing, scientific editorial work, popular scientific reports and publishing, and frequent presentations at national and international scientific conferences and workshops. Our work also includes the organization of scientific workshops, field summer schools, excursions and virtual events, the co-supervision of Master students and PhD students, and the professional training for students and scientists/professionals at our offices and field study sites. National and international collaborations are fostered through hosting visiting scientists and students and through invited teaching and training, guest lectures and visiting professorships at various universities in different countries. We serve as frequent peer reviewers for numerous international scientific journals and different national and international funding agencies, boards and bodies from various countries. In addition, we are active members of a number of national and international geo-scientific organizations, associations, societies, networks and working groups.
Further details are found here: Detailed CV Achim A. Beylich and Detailed CV Katja Laute.
Information on some selected ongoing and completed national and international scientific projects and networks is found here:
- SediSource – Nordfjord (GFL, 2014-2024)
- DenuMountChange – Dovrefjell-Oppdal (GFL, 2012-2024)
- DenuMed – Costa Blanca (GFL, 2018-2024)
- ChannelFluCut – Austfirðir (GFL, 2018- )
- WoodChannelInteract (GFL, 2020-2025)
- DenuBoreal – Selbusjøen (GFL, 2020-2025)
- IAG GeoNor (2019-2023) and IAG GeoNorth (2019- )
- IAG DENUCHANGE (2017-2026)
- IAG SEDIBUD (2005-2017)
- DYNAFLUX / DYNACOLD (2004-2017)
- ESF SEDIFLUX (2004-2006)
- ESF-NFR SEDYMONT (2008-2013)
For further information on our research activities and for any questions and inquiries please contact Dr. Achim A. Beylich (Head of operations at GFL).