Purpose, organisation and key activities of GeoNorth
The Nordic IAG Network of Geomorphology Groups/Communities (IAG GeoNorth, approved as National Scientific Member of IAG in September 2019) is stimulating the active communication, collaboration and exchange between geomorphology groups/communities in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden in Northern Europe. By serving as an international IAG umbrella network, GeoNorth shall foster the initiation and/or further development of national geomorphology groups in the five Nordic countries. Being a formal and official organ of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) (IAG National Scientific Member GeoNorth, Regional Group), GeoNorth is connected with the global IAG network of national senior and young geomorphology groups and communities. The IAG National Scientific Member and umbrella network GeoNorth is initiated, coordinated and chaired by Dr. Achim A. Beylich (Norway) and is run by the GeoNorth representatives of the five Nordic geomorphology groups/communities: Dr. Achim A. Beylich and Dr. Katja Laute (Norway), Dr. Mikkel Fruergaard and Dr. Verner Brandbyge Ernstsen (Denmark), Dr. Eliisa Lotsari and Dr. Joni Mäkinen (Finland), Dr. Thorsteinn Sæmundsson (Iceland), and Dr. Lina Polvi Sjöberg and Professor Arjen P. Stroeven (Sweden).
Concrete GeoNorth network activities include
- An active and frequently updated GeoNorth website (including web-links to national websites of the national members of the umbrella network and connected groups and societies) which serves as information and communication platform for senior and early-career members of the five geomorphology groups/communities (information on scientific projects, relevant meetings, training courses, opportunities for exchange visits, etc. in the five Nordic countries and outside the five Nordic countries).
- The compilation and email distribution of a bi-annual newsletter. GeoNorth colleagues are invited to submit contributions to the newsletter (e.g., information on research projects, training courses, workshops and seminars, exchange opportunities, etc.).
- The organisation of joint meetings of the five geomorphology groups/communities. These meetings are organised in varying Nordic countries at field locations where relevant ongoing research projects are presented and discussed, and include scientific presentations from senior and early-career scientists, extended scientific discussions, excursions, as well as well-selected high-quality training courses for early-career scientists. The first GeoNorth joint Conference was held as a Virtual Conference on 1-2 October 2020.
- In addition to regular business meetings held during GeoNorth conferences or workshops, the senior representatives and the young geomorphologists representatives of the five Nordic countries meet and hold additional planning/strategy meetings during international conferences (e.g., EGU, AGU, Nordic Geological Winter Meetings, IAG International and Regional Conferences).
Chair of GeoNorth:
Dr. Achim A. Beylich, Geomorphological Field Laboratory (GFL), Selbustrand, Norway; Email: achim.beylich@geofieldlab.com
Confirmed network members and representatives:
Geomorphology groups/communities of
- Norway; Representatives:
Dr. Achim A. Beylich, Geomorphological Field Laboratory (GFL), Selbustrand, Norway; Email: achim.beylich@geofieldlab.com,
Dr. Katja Laute, Geomorphological Field Laboratory (GFL), Selbustrand, Norway; Email: katja.laute@geofieldlab.com,
Adina Moraru, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway; Email: adina.moraru@ntnu.no; Young geomorphologists representative - Denmark; Representatives:
Dr. Mikkel Fruergaard, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Email: mif@ign.ku.dk,
Dr. Verner Brandbyge Ernstsen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS); Email: vbe@geus.dk,
Young geomorphologists representative: N.N. - Finland; Representatives:
Dr. Eliisa Lotsari, Aalto University, Finland; Email: eliisa.s.lotsari@aalto.fi,
Dr. Joni Mäkinen, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku, Finland; Email: jonmak@utu.fi,
Dr. Mikel Calle, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku, Finland; Email: mcanav@utu.fi; Young geomorphologists representative - Iceland; Representatives:
Dr. Thorsteinn Sæmundsson, Department of Geography and Tourism, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; Email: steinis@hi.is,
Dr. Greta Wells, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; Email: ghwells@hi.is; Young geomorphologists representative - Sweden; Representatives:
Dr. Lina Polvi Sjöberg, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; Email: lina.polvi@umu.se,
Professor Arjen P. Stroeven, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Email: arjen.stroeven@natgeo.su.se,
Ramona Schneider, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Email: ramona.schneider@geo.uu.se; Young geomorphologists representative
Annual IAG affiliation fee: 500 Euros (see here)
34th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2020, 8-10 January, Oslo, Norway
First IAG GeoNorth and IAG GeoNor Conference (Virtual Conference), 1-2 October 2020. First Circular (15 March 2020), Second Circular (16 June 2020), Volume of Abstracts, Scientific conference report
Second IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor Conference (Virtual Conference), 30 September-1 October 2021. First Circular (30 June 2021)
35th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2022, 11-13 May, Reykjavik, Iceland
36th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2024, 10-12 January, Gothenburg, Sweden
IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor business meetings
28 May 2020 (virtual meeting) Meeting summary report
2 October 2020 (virtual meeting) Meeting summary report
9 February 2021 (virtual meeting) Meeting summary report
15 April 2021, 1 June 2021 (virtual meetings) Meetings summary report
1 October 2021 (virtual meeting) Meeting summary report
6 May 2022; 24 May 2022; 16 September 2022; 25 October 2022
Call for Young Geomorphologists National Representatives (16 June 2020)
IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor Newsletter 1/2020 (June)
IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor Newsletter 2/2020 (December)
IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor Newsletter 1/2021 (June)
IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor Newsletter 2/2021 (December)
Relevant weblinks
International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG)
Royal Danish Geographical Society
Geological Society of Denmark
Geographical Society of Finland
Geoscience Society of Iceland
Norwegian Geographical Society (NGS)
Geological Society of Norway (NGF)
Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG)